We're Disability Confident Committed

There are 7.6m working age people who have a disability or health condition. We’re tapping into this talent pool.

Rawcliffe's has joined over 15,000 other organisations and signed up to HM Government's campaign; Disability Confident.

"Disability Confident organisations play a leading role in changing attitudes for the better. They’re changing behaviour and cultures in their own businesses, networks and communities, and reaping the benefits of inclusive recruitment practices.


The scheme helps employers recruit and retain great people, and:

  • draw from the widest possible pool of talent

  • secure high quality staff who are skilled, loyal and hard working

  • improve employee morale and commitment by demonstrating that you treat all employees fairly


It also helps customers and other businesses identify those employers who are committed to equality in the workplace."


At this stage Rawcliffe's is Level 1, Disability Confident Committed; this means we are reviewing our existing recruitment processes and looking to make meaningful improvements with regards to inclusiveness.

In total, Level one has 5 commitments we intend to review, develop and enhance as much possible over the coming months.

1. Ensure your recruitment process is inclusive and accessible
2. Communicate and promote vacancies
3. Offer an interview to disabled people
4. Anticipate and provide reasonable adjustments as required
5. Support any existing employee who acquires a disability or long term health condition, enabling them to stay in work.


Sign up to Disability Confident



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